Saturday, February 15, 2020

A Framework for the Management of Oil Spillage Risks in Oil Dissertation - 1

A Framework for the Management of Oil Spillage Risks in Oil Exploration Programmes - Dissertation Example The aim of this paper is to develop a framework that will help the companies in order to control their oil spillage risks in oil exploration programs.  The objectives will be to investigate the nature of oil spillage risks; identify and summarize the existing understanding about oil spillage risk management; discover good practices in managing oil spillage risks and to provide a new framework that summarizes the findings and can be used further for managing oil spillage risks. Besides this, the paper has also focused on different methods used to manage the risk of oil spillage.  The oil industry is concerned with a long history of spills on the North Slope and the probability of future spills is high. Indeed, there has been an oil spillage once a day, on average, from the time when gas and oil development began on the North Slope. In order to make the subject worse, ocean currents move the chemicals and oil hundreds of miles. Further, in the Arctic Ocean, cleaning up oil spills w ould lead to enormous challenges. Suppression and recovery at sea hardly ever leads to the removal of more than a comparatively small fraction of a large oil spill, i.e. only 10-15% and often significantly less. Till date, no technology subsists in order to clean up oil in the sea ice circumstances and late-season spills would stay behind until the following year.  Oil spillage refers to an unintentional release of oil in a water body due to human activity and is regarded as form of pollution.  

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Critique of the play OEDIPUS REX Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Critique of the play OEDIPUS REX - Essay Example It is the prophecy on which, the story is based. It is linked to the topic of the paper, as it is the main prophecy. According to the prophecy told to Laius, the child who was born in Laius’s home was to kill his father at maturity and will regard this act as an accomplishment. Jocasta treated this prophecy as a lie told by the soothsayer as according to her knowledge, robbers killed her husband. This is again the prophecy that Oedipus listened before but Jocasta is not aware of the truth. This relates to the topic, as it is again a prophecy told a long time ago and matches Teiresias’s prophecy. Oedipus informs Jocasta about his wretchedness as according to a prophecy, it was in his fortune to be banished from his native land and stay away from his parents. He has to leave his beloved ones only because of a prophecy that told him that he would kill his father and marry his mother. This quotation is linked to the topic because it is again a prophecy due to which, Oedipus has to travel to another land by leaving his parents who have fostered him. It is this fear due to which, the prophecy comes out to be true. Oedipus laments on listening to the truth and speaks about his worsened state. He says that everything told to him is true and he is a cursed creature because his birth, his kingdom and his wedding, all were for his ill fate. He took birth with bad luck, killed his father and was involved in an incestuous relationship with his mother due to which, he thought that he is cursed trice. This quote is important for the story as it proves the prophecy to be true. This is related to the topic, as the prophecy mentioned earlier is proved true